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(1) There shall be a head of the Local Government Service who shall be appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Council given in consultation with the Public Service Commission.

(2) The Head of Service shall also be the head of the Secretariat.

(3) The head of Service shall hold office on such terms and conditions as shall be specified in the letter of appointment.

(4) The head of Service shall, subject to the general directions of the Council, be responsible for the efficient organisation and management of the Service and for the day to day operation of the Secretariat.

(5) The head of Service may delegate the functions of the office to an officer of the Service but shall not be relieved from the ultimate responsibility for the discharge of the delegated function.

(6) The head of Service shall

(a) provide leadership and guidance in the performance of the functions of the Service and the implementation of the decisions of the Council;

(b) ensure the effective organisation and development of training programmes consistent with the sectoral requirements of the Service;

(c) establish, with the approval of the Council, systems for effective inter-service and sectoral collaboration and co-operation between the Service, the Education Service, the Health Service, the Forestry Service and other Services, to harmonise local government programmes and avoid duplication; and

(d) initiate plans and programmes within the Service, for the consideration and approval of the Council, to activate and accelerate the local government decentralization process in accordance with the Constitution, the Local Government Act, 1993, (Act 462) and any other enactment.