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(1) An arbitrator shall give the parties notice of the date of hearing.

(2) A party shall before the hearing give the arbitrator and the other party the personal particulars of witnesses that the party intends calling and the substance of the testimony of each witness.

(3) A hearing begins with the

(a) recording of the date, time and place of hearing;

(b) recording the presence of the arbitrator, the parties and their representatives, if any; and

(c) receiving into the record the claim, defence, counterclaim and the answer as applicable.

(4) The arbitrator may at the beginning of the hearing ask for opening statements from the parties to clarify the issues involved in the arbitration.

(5) Except as otherwise agreed by the parties or provided by law, the arbitrator shall ensure the confidentiality of the arbitration.

(6) An arbitrator has the authority

(a) to exclude a witness who is not a party from the hearing; and

(b) to determine whether a person who is neither a witness nor a party should attend the hearing.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the hearing of the arbitration proceeding shall be private.

(8) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitrator shall determine the time within which action under subsections (1) and (2) shall occur.

(9) Subject to the discretion of an arbitrator to vary the order of presentation, the claimant shall first present evidence in support of the claimant’s claim and this shall be followed by the respondent.

(10) Except the parties otherwise agree or the arbitrator otherwise orders, a claim, a notice or any written communication may be served

(a) personally on a party; or

(b) by mail, courier, facsimile transmission, telex, telegram or other form of written electronic communication addressed to the party or its representative at its last known address.

(11) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitrator shall decide whether to hold oral hearing for the presentation of evidence or for argument or whether the proceedings are to be conducted on the basis of documents and other materials.

(12) Despite subsection (11), the arbitrator shall at the request of a party at any point in the proceedings, hold oral hearing unless the parties have agreed that there should be no oral hearing.

(13) A party shall be given sufficient advance notice of any hearing and an opportunity to inspect document and other property relevant to the dispute.

(14) Statements, documents or other information supplied to the arbitrator and applications made to the arbitrator by one party shall be communicated by the party to the other party.