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(1) A person shall not use a canoe for fishing in the fishery waters unless a licence has been issued for the canoe for the purpose of fishing.

(2) A fishing licence shall not be issued for a canoe unless the canoe

(a) is owned by a citizen, a company or a partnership registered in the Republic under the relevant law in which the shares are beneficially held by a citizen,

(b) has been registered with the Commission through the District Assembly of the area where it is to be used, and

(c) bears the markings of identity allocated to it by the Commission.

(3) A person who acts contrary to a provision in subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than twenty-five penalty units and not exceeding five hundred penalty units and the canoe or gear used in the commission of the offence shall on conviction be forfeited to the Republic.