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(1) A person shall not put on board an exporting ship goods that have been put into a vessel to be water-borne to a ship for exportation or use as stores, outside the limits of a port.

(2) A proper officer may, on reasonable suspicion, open and examine goods put on board a conveyance or brought to any place in the country to be put on board a conveyance for exportation or for use as stores.

(3) Goods that have been put into a vessel to be water-borne to a ship for exportation or use as stores shall be taken directly and without delay to the ship in which the goods are to be exported or used as stores, and put on board immediately.

(4) Every vessel in which goods are water-borne to a ship shall be a licensed ship unless the Commissioner-General otherwise allows.

(5) A person shall not unload goods put on board a conveyance for exportation, or for use as stores, in any part of the country without the written permission of the proper officer and in accordance with the conditions that the Commissioner-General may impose.

(6) Where a person puts or attempts to put goods on board a conveyance or unloads or attempts to unload, or deals with goods, in any way contrary to subsection (5), the goods are liable to forfeiture to the State.

(7) The proper officer may permit a person

(a) to load baggage for delivery to passengers, officers or crew; or

(b) to take on board a conveyance goods for sale, on conditions that the proper officer may direct.