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(1) An inspector or an analyst shall

(a) examine, open and test equipment, a plant, machinery and accessories, tools, materials, packages or a thing that the inspector or analyst reasonably believes is used or capable of being used for the manufacture, packaging, labelling, storage, distribution, advertising or promotion of a tobacco product;

(b) examine an operation or a process carried out on any premises used for the production of tobacco and tobacco products;

(c) examine and make copies of relevant records from a book, document, note, or file including an electronic file which the inspector or analyst reasonably believes might contain information relevant to determine whether a person has complied with the provisions of this Part;

(d) interview the owner of premises, a person involved in or using a premise for the manufacture, wholesale, import, export, transport, packaging marketing, sale or distribution of a tobacco or tobacco products;

(e) take reasonable samples of a tobacco or tobacco products or components of tobacco products and analyses them;

(f) stop, search and detain an aircraft, a ship, vehicle or any other means of transport or storage in which the inspector or analyst reasonably believes tobacco products are contained or conveyed and take samples of the tobacco products and examine them in collaboration with the security agencies; or

(g) seize and detain, or order the storage without removal or alteration of a tobacco or tobacco product if the inspector or analyst reasonably believes that a person has not complied with a provision of this Part after giving written notice to that person, owner or person in possession of the tobacco product or any other person on the premises where the tobacco product is found.

(2) An inspector may seize or cause to be seized tobacco or a tobacco product or any other thing where the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that a provision of this Part has been contravened in the course of inspection.