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(1) On the registration by a scheme of an individual as a member, the scheme shall issue to the member a health insurance identity card within the prescribed period.

(2) The following materials shall be issued with the Card:

(a) a booklet containing membership rights, obligations and, privileges,

(b) a list of the healthcare benefits available under the scheme, and

(e) a list of health care providers and health facilities provided credentials by the Authority to offer services to members of the scheme and the periods or time of their availability.

(3) The Card shall have a number which shall be unique to the member and shall be assigned permanently to the member although the member may change the place of residence.

(4) In the event of loss, the Card shall be replaced on payment of a prescribed fee.

(5) A member who applies for the replacement of a Card for a reason other than the expiration or loss of the Card shall be required to surrender the unexpired Card.

(6) Despite any other provision of this section, the Board may accept the use-of an identity card' authorized under an enactment to be used for all purposes of identification in this country.