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(1) A transferor trustee shall within thirty days after complying with regulations  121 (2), 124 (2) or 125 (2) give to a scheme member a transfer statement containing

(a) the name of the transferor trustee, the name of the scheme and the account number of the account from which the transfer was made;

(b) the name and address of the member;

(c) the amount expressed in money of the accrued benefits transferred from the account and the respective amounts specified in each sub- account of the account immediately before the transfer;

(d) the name of the registered scheme to which the member's accrued benefits have been transferred, the name and business address of the transferee trustee and the date on which the transfer was made;

(e) an itemised statement of any expenses relating to the transfer that have been deducted from the accrued benefits by the transferor trustee before making the transfer; and

(f) whether or not any contribution or any contribution surcharge outstanding in relation to the account is irrecoverable and, if so, the amount of the contribution or surcharge if known to the transferor trustee

 (2) The transferor trustee shall give to the transferee trustee

(a) a copy of the transfer statement; and

(b) A copy of the election form completed by the transferor trustee within thirty days after giving a transfer statement to a scheme member.