(1) There shall be established in and for each region of Ghana a Regional House of Chiefs.
(2) A Regional House of Chiefs shall consist of such members as Parliament may, by law, determine.
(3) A Regional House of Chiefs shall-
(a) perform such functions as may be conferred upon it by or under an Act of Parliament;
(b) advise any person or authority charged under this Constitution or any other law with any responsibility for any matter relating to or affecting chieftaincy in the region;
(c) hear and determine appeals from the traditional councils within the region in respect of the nomination, election, selection, installation or deposition of a person as a chief;
(d) have original jurisdiction in all matters relating to a paramount stool or skin or the occupant of a paramount stool or skin, including a queen mother to a paramount stool or skin;
(e) undertake a study and make such general recommendations as are appropriate for the resolution or expeditious disposition of chieftaincy disputes in the region;
(f) Undertake the compilation of the customary laws and lines of succession applicable to each stool or skin in the region.
(4) The original and appellate jurisdictions of a Regional House of Chiefs shall be exercised by a Judicial Committee of the Regional House of Chiefs consisting of three chiefs appointed by the Regional House of Chiefs from among its members.
(5) A Judicial Committee of a Regional House of Chiefs shall be assisted by a lawyer of not less than five years' standing appointed by the Regional House of Chiefs on the recommendation of the Attorney-General.
(6) A member of a Judicial Committee of a Regional House of Chiefs may be removed from office on the ground of proven misbehaviour or infirmity of mind or body by the votes of not less than two-thirds of all the members of the Regional House of Chiefs.