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(1) The owners of a dock, canal, harbour or port shall not be liable for a loss or damage caused to

(a) a vessel, or

(b) goods, merchandise or other things whether on board a vessel or not in excess of an aggregate amount equivalent to 70 Units of Account for each ton of the tonnage of the largest ship which has visited that dock, canal, harbour or port within five years to the occurrence of the loss or damage.

(2) For the purposes of this section a ship shall not be considered to have visited a dock canal, harbour or port by reason of the fact that

(a) it has been built or fitted out within the area;

(b) it has taken shelter within the area; or

(c) it has passed through the area on a voyage between two places both situated outside that area.

(3) The limitation of liability under this section shall relate to the whole of any loss or damage which may arise upon one distinct occasion, although the loss or damage may be sustained by more than one person, and shall apply whether the liability arises at common law or under any enactment notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment.

(4) For the purposes of this section, the owner of a dock, canal, harbour or port includes any person or authority that has the control and management or any dock, canal, harbour or port and any ship repairer using the dock, canal, harbour or port.

(5) Nothing in this section shall impose a liability in respect of a loss or damage on any owner or authority in a case where no such liability would have existed if this Act had not been enacted.