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(1) There shall be a Presiding Member of each District Assembly who shall be elected by the members of the District Assembly from among their number.

(2) The Presiding Member shall not be the District Chief Executive or a Member of Parliament.

(3) The Presiding Member shall be elected by at least a two-thirds majority of all the members of the District Assembly.

(4) The Presiding Member shall hold office for a term of two years and is eligible for re-election subject to subsection (6).

(5) The Presiding Member shall convene and preside at meetings of the District Assembly and perform other functions prescribed by law and the Standing Orders of the District Assembly.

(6) The Presiding Member shall cease to hold office whenever the District Assembly, by a majority of at least two-thirds of all the members of the District Assembly, vote to remove that Presiding Member from office.

(7) The District Assembly shall adopt the Model Standing Orders with the necessary modifications prior to the conduct of any business at the first sitting of the first meeting of the District Assembly.

(8) The emoluments of a Presiding Member of a District Assembly shall be determined by the District Assembly.