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(1) The Minister may on the advice of the Authority by legislative instrument make Regulations generally to give effect to the provisions of this Act and shall in particular, make Regulations in relation to –

(a) fees and tariffs,

(b) the issue, conditions, duration, suspension or revocation of licences for electronic communications service, as well as frequency assignments and other authorizations relating to these services,

(c) interconnection which may contain, among others, the matters to be covered in every interconnection agreement,

(d) procedures to be applied by a service provider to handle claims and complaints filed by subscribers or customers of communications services,

(e) conditions under which claims and complaints of communications services subscribers or customers which are not satisfactorily resolved by the service provider may be submitted to the Authority, and the procedures to be applied by the Authority in handling the claims and complaints,

(f) procedures for the administrative adjudication, mediation, or arbitration of disputes between operators,

(g) procedures for the determination of breaches of Regulations and the imposition of sanctions, warnings and other penalties in respect of the breach,

(h) other matters that the Board may from time to time consider necessary, having regard to the objectives and functions of the Authority, and

(i) the guidelines, standards and other requirements that the Authority may issue or specify.

(2) The Authority shall publish the Regulations on its website.

(3) Despite the Statutory Instruments Act, 1959 (No. 52) the penalty for contravention of the regulations shall be a fine of not more than two thousand penalty units.