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(1) A licensee, contractor, sub-contractor and the Corporation shall maintain complete and accurate records in Ghana of the petroleum activities carried out by the licensee, contractor, sub-contractor or the Corporation shall also complete and keep accurate books of account, records and registers relating to these activities.

(2) A licensee, contractor, sub—contractor or the Corporation shall not export or permit the retention or exportation of data, documents or geological and reservoir samples including cuttings, cores, liquid and gas samples without the written approval of the Commission.

(3) At the expiry of a licence or petroleum agreement, the data and information under section 52 (1) shall be returned to the Commission.

(4) Where the data, documents or samples are exported, the contractor, sub—contractor or licensee shall return the data, documents or samples to this country forthwith at the written request of the Commission.

(5) A licensee, contractor, sub—conlractor or the Corporation shall, where any interpretation or analysis is done outside the country, forward to the Commission not later than thirty days after the interpretation or analysis, copies of the reports on the interpretation or analysis.

(6) A licensee, contractor, sub-contractor or the Corporation shall keep confidential the data acquired and any existing data released by the Commission to the licensee, contractor, sub—contractor or the Corporation and shall not disclose the data to a third party without permission from the Commission except as may otherwise be provided in accordance with the terms of a petroleum agreement or petroleum sub-contract.