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(1) The authority of a Regional House applies within it, region

(2) Each Regional House shall,

(a) advise a person or an authority charged under the Constitution or any other law with responsibility for a matter relating to or affecting chieftaincy in the region,

(b) undertake a study and make general recommendations that are appropriate for the resolution or expeditious disposition of chieftaincy disputes in the region,

(c) undertake the compilation of the customary laws and lines of succession applicable to each stool or skin in the region, and

(d) Perform other functions conferred on it by this Act or by any other enactment.

(3) Where a matter Is referred to a Regional Howe by the President, Parliament, or an authority in respect of a matter relating to chieftaincy, the Regional House shall give consideration to the matter And report on it as required.

(4) Subject to this Act, a Regional House may appoint committees comprising the persons determined by it to assist in the performance of its functions, and may delegate to any of the committees the functions it thinks.