(1) A person shall not enter or remain in a port security zone unless
(a) that person is in the course of official duties; or
(b) that person is authorised by the Director-General or port facility operator to do so.
(2) Every person in a port security zone shall on the request of an authorised person provide,
(a) his or her name and address;
(b) the purpose of his or her visit to the port security zone;
(c) his or her authority to enter the port security zone; and
(d) verification of the correctness of his or her stated name and address.
(3) Where a person who is requested by an authorised person,
(a) fails or refuses to provide that authorised person with satisfactory evidence of his or her name and address; or
(b) fails to satisfy that authorised person that he or she is authorised to be there, the authorised person may order that person to leave the port security zone.
(4) The authorised person and any person whom the authorised person calls to his or her assistance, may use reasonable force necessary to remove from the port security zone a person who fails or refuses to leave the port security zone after having been ordered by the authorised person to do so under subsection (3).
(5) A person who refuses to comply with a request under subsection (2), and after being cautioned of the consequences of his or her failure to comply, may be detained by the authorised person, or a port facility security officer.
(6) A person detained under subsection (5), shall as soon as practicable after arrest be delivered to a police officer.
(7) A passenger or crew member who embarks or disembarks directly through gateways or thoroughfares in a port facility approved for that purpose by the port facility operator shall be considered to be authorised by the Authority to pass through any port security zone that forms part of those gateways or thorough-fares.
(8) A person who by reason of his or her official duties, is required to enter a port security zone, shall after entry and on request by an authorised person, present his or her employment identity.
(9) A person who willfully fails to provide satisfactory evidence of his or her name and address or authorisation to be in a port security zone in contravention of this section, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, or to both.