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(1) There is imposed by this Act on every litre of the petroleum products specified in Schedule 1 other than Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), a hydrocarbon exploration levy of ₵10.00

(2) The hydrocarbon exploration levy is payable to the supplier by the person to whom the products is supplied at the time of the supply.

(3) The supplier is liable to account for the energy levy to the Commissioner of CEPS at the time and place that the Commission shall determine.

(4) The purpose of the hydrocarbon exploration levy is to provide money

(a) to promote exploration of hydrocarbon basins:

(b) to store geological data on hydrocarbon deposits in Ghana;

(c) to assist with human resource development in hydrocarbon exploration

(5) The hydrocarbon exploration levy shall be paid into the accounts that the Accountant-General shall direct.