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(1) A crew agreement shall be in a prescribed form, dated at the time of the first signature and shall be signed by the master before a seafarer signs the seafarer's name.

(2) A crew agreement shall show the place at which it is made, the surname and other

names of the seafarer, the seafarer's birthplace and age or date of birth, and shall state

clearly the respective rights and obligations of each of the parties, and shaIl contain as its terms the following particulars:

(a) the name of the ship in which the seafarer undertakes to serve;

(b) the nature and, as far as is practicable, the duration of the intended voyage

or engagement, or the maximum period of the voyage or engagement, which

shall not exceed twelve months;

(c) the port at which it is intended to discharge the crew and the places or ports

of the world to which the voyage or engagement is not to extend;

(d) the number and description of the crew;

(e) if possible, the place and date at which each seafarer is to be on board or to begin work;

(f) the capacity in which each seafarer is to serve;  

(g) the amount of wages which each seafarer is to receive;

(h) the prescribed scale of the provisions which are to be supplied to a seafarer;

(i) the time that is to expire after arrival at the port of discharge before a seafarer is discharged;

(j) Regulations as to conduct on board and as to fines, and any other lawful

punishment for misconduct which have been made by the Minister and

which the parties agree to adopt; and

(k) a list of persons under the age of eighteen years and the dates of their births.

(3) The crew agreement shall contain the accepted provisions between the master of the ship and the seafarer with regard to advances and wages to be paid.

(4) An agreement made to employ a seafarer under this section shall be terminated by,

(a) consent of the parties;

(b) the death of the seafarer;

(c) the loss or total unseaworthiness of the ship; or

(d) where the agreement relates to employment for a particular period

(i) on the expiration of that period, or

(ii) if the period expires during the voyage on arrival of the ship, at the next port of call