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(a) assist unemployed and employed persons to find suitable employment

and assist employers to find suitable workers from among such persons;

(b) take appropriate measures to

(i) facilitate occupational mobility with a view to adjusting the supply of labour to employment opportunities in the various occupations;

(ii) facilitate geographical mobility with a view to assisting the movement of unemployed and employed persons to areas with suitable employment opportunities; and

(iii) facilitate temporary transfers of unemployed and employed persons from one place to another as a means of meeting temporary local maladjustment in the supply of or demand for unemployed persons;

(c) assist in social and economic planning by providing labour market information to stakeholders to ensure a favourable employment situation;

(d) provide vocational guidance facilities to young persons;

(e) provide arrangements for the registration, employment, training and retaining of persons with disability; and

(f) provide arrangements for the registration of employed and unemployed persons

(i) with recognized technical, vocational or professional qualifications or those without these qualifications but have had experience of a level higher than that of an artisan;

(ii) who are of the level of supervisors or foremen;

(iii) with experience at administrative, managerial or senior executive levels; and

(iv) who have received training at the tertiary level.