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When a receiver has taken possession of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution,

(a) any term on the expiration of which a claim or right of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution would expire or be extinguished, shall be suspended;

(b) the calculation of interests and penalties against the obligations of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be suspended and no other charge or liability shall accrue on the obligations of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution;

(c) any legal proceeding against the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall stay and the exercise of any right on the assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be suspended; and

(d) the right of a third party shall not be exerted over assets during liquidation of the bank or specialised deposittaking institution and a creditor shall not attach, sell or take possession of any assets of the bank or specialised deposittaking institution as a means of enforcing a claim or initiating or continuing any legal proceeding to recover the debt or perfect security interest in the assets of the bank or specilised deposit-taking institution.