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For the purpose of achieving its objectives the Authority shall

(a) undertake activities to build human resource capacity for successful implementation of development projects by Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Ghana;

(b) take necessary steps to ensure the reduction of poverty through modernisation of agriculture;

(c) implement measures that ensure active participation by the private sector in national development including access to financial resources,

(d) provide as determined by the Board and within the terms of the Compact, infrastructure facilities including, schools, healthcare, water, sanitation and electricity;

(e) establish an accounting, reporting and auditing arrangement that is transparent and conforms to the best international practices;

(f) put in place a mechanism by which there is exchange of information to and from the public on the activities of the Authority;

(g) perform functions that may be required by subsequent investments made by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Government and other Development Partner; and

(h) perform functions ancillary to the objectives stated in section 2 and the functions stated in this section.