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(1) A distribution company shall comply with occupational, health and safety requirements contained in Regulations in respect of natural gas.

(2) A distribution company that becomes aware either by being informed by the public or otherwise that its distribution system at a particular locality is faulty and may pose danger to the public from the time of becoming aware of the fault, shall visit the locality and isolate the faulty part of the distribution service network within

(a) two hours, where the location of the fault is within a thirty kilometer radius,

(b) four hours, where the location of the fault is within a sixty kilometer radius; or

(c) five hours, where the location of the fault is within a radius of sixty kilometers and above from the district and regional, office of the distribution company where the information was received.

(3) The distribution company shall place danger notices to warn the public of the danger.

(4) A distribution company shall provide education and training for its customer to enable that customer use natural gas in a manner that would not make the distribution company’s distribution system unsafe.

(5) Subject to regulation 22, a distribution company that contravenes this regulation is liable to pay the customer compensation of the sum prescribed in the First Schedule.