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(1) The funds of the Commission shall consist of-

(i) moneys appropriated by the Government for the purpose of the Commission;

(ii) any moneys accruing to the Commission in the course of the performance of it functions;

(iii) any loans granted by the Government or any banking institution;

(iv) any grants, subsidies, donations, gifts, bequests, subscriptions, fees, rents, interests, royalties, etc.

(2) All sums of money received on account of the Commission shall be paid into such bank or banks as may be approved by the Commission for the credit of the Commission's current or deposit account, so however, that the Commission may invest as it deems fit, any moneys not required for current use.

(3) No money shall be withdrawn from the bank account of the Commission except by cheque signed by an officer or employee of the Commission authorised for the purpose by the Commission and countersigned by the Executive Secretary.

(4) The Commission shall receive estimates of expenditure for each financial year from the Executive Secretary and shall process such estimates and submit them to the Government for approval through the Commissioner.