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(1) Where, in exercise of his powers under section 43 (3), the Director of Prisons finds any male prisoner over the apparent age of eighteen years guilty of mutiny, incitement to mutiny, or gross personal violence to a member of the Prisons Service or to a fellow prisoner, the Director may order that he receive, subject to the provisions of this section, not more than fifteen strokes of a light cane.

(2) Caning shall not be inflicted on any prisoner unless-

(a) the Prisons Service Board has in writing authorised the infliction of such punishment on the prisoner concerned, and has specified the number of strokes to be inflicted; and

(b) a medical officer has certified in writing the fitness of the prisoner to undergo such punishment, and the suitability of the cane to be used; and

(c) the officer in charge of the prison and the medical officer attend the infliction of such punishment.

(3) The medical officer shall give such orders for preventing injury to health as he may consider necessary, and it shall be the duty of the officer in charge of the prison to carry them into effect; and in case the medical officer orders the punishment to be discontinued it shall be immediately discontinued.

(4) Save as provided by this section, corporal punishment shall not be inflicted on any prisoner.