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(1) A Regional House of Chiefs may, either after receiving representations from a Traditional Council or on its own initiative, and shall if so requested in writing by the National House of Chiefs draft a declaration of what in its opinion is the customary law rule relating to any subject in force in its region or any part thereof.

(2) A draft prepared under subsection (1) of this section shall be submitted to the National House of Chiefs and if the said House after considering it and after consultation with the Regional House of Chiefs concerned is satisfied that the draft either as submitted or with such modifications as it considers necessary is a correct statement of the customary rule in question, it shall submit a request in writing to the President to the effect that that statement of the customary law rule be given effect to in the area in question.

(3) The President may upon receiving a request made by the National House of Chiefs under subsection (2) of this section and after consultation with the Chief Justice make a legislative instrument giving effect to the recommendations submitted to him by the said House, and providing that the rule in question shall have effect within the area in question in the form set out in the instrument.