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(1) The Board shall meet at least once in every three months at the times and the places determined by the chairman for the despatch of business.

(2) The chairman shall preside at the meeting of the Board and, in the absence of the chairman, a member of the Board elected by the members present from among themselves shall preside.

(3) The quorum at every meeting of the Board is five.

(4) Decisions at a meeting of the Board shall be taken by a majority of the members present by voting and in the event of equality of votes, the person presiding shall have a casting vote.

(5) The Board may at any time co-opt a person to act as advisor at any of its meetings but that person is not entitled to vote on a matter for decision by the Board.

(6) The Board may for the performance of its functions under this Act appoint committees comprising members of the Board or non-members or both and may assign to a committee a function determine by the Board.

(7) A member of the Board who has an interest, direct or indirect, in a matter that is a subject for consideration of the Board shall disclose in writing to the Board the nature of the interest and shall not participate in a discussion or decision of the Board relating to that matter.

(8) A member who willfully fails to disclose interest under subsection (7) shall be removed from the Board.